Natalia stellt sich vor: | |
Alter / Familienstand: | 49 (Wassermann) / ledig |
Kinder: | Keine; Ich habe noch nicht über (weitere) Kinder entschieden |
Wohnort: | Püssi, Großraum Tallinn [Karte] (Estland) |
Nationalität: | Russin |
Aussehen: | 164 cm / 54 kg; Augen braun, Haare kastanienbraun |
"Feminine, soft, kind, emotional. I enjoy the company of interesting and nice people. I love to breathe and be in nature. I like to roam the country, cities and streets, to feel gusts of wind and rain, listening to the sound of the sea and enjoy the view of the mountains. Allow yourself to do something that is not done before. I love to love answer. Losing the will of a man who builds his hands and brains, violates and destroys my boundaries for the sake of the common good." | |||
Rauche ich? | |||
Trinke ich Alkohol? | |||
Mein Idealmann: | |
Alter: | 38-46 Jahre |
Größe: | 170-185 cm |
Darf mein Partner Kinder haben? | Ja, aber nur ein Kind |
Religion meines Partners: | egal |
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