Tamara (27),

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Tamara stellt sich vor:
Alter / Familienstand: 27 (Jungfrau) / ledig
Kinder: Keine; Ich kann mir zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt (weitere) Kinder vorstellen
Wohnort: Angarsk, Großraum Angarsk [Karte] (Russland)
Nationalität: Russin
Aussehen: 163 cm / 61 kg; Augen blau, Haare kastanienbraun
Körperschmuck: Keiner
Über mich:
"Caring compassionate empathetic person with great imagination. I have flexible personality, somewhat unstable in appearance, but once I have decided on something in my heart, I act with sufficient confidence and can stubbornly move towards my desired goal.

Despite some chaos in my life, love consistency and ordering, when everything is in its place and there is a direction in which to move on my path [this is not what I am strong at].

I appreciate comfort and grace, convenience, diversity, harmony and picturesque places. Like to surround myself with beautiful things, but in my personal understanding than in the generally accepted one, like to learn new things and new places, open-minded to many things. Interesting to look into the depths of things, understand the reasons for actions and consequences.

When talking in person usually speak my mind directly and can be sometimes strict in my statements, but prefer more listen to people and will never blurt out anything ahead of time. I like to meticulously collect information and analyze it. Favorite color: purple, then green.

Dislike=coffee, loud people, artificial modification of the body for the sake of society like nails, lips, tattoos, etc [excluding hair dyeing, I like how red looks on me and that's the only thing I do sometimes], strong odors [motor oil, cigarette smoke, perfume, wall paint, nail polish, etc], being touched by strangers or other I don't know well [it takes a while to warm up with a new person to level I feel comfortable with. However I am very clingy with those I care about most, as I enjoy expressing affection through touch].

Instead of noisy places prefer secluded ones, peaceful places or in nature where you can contemplate the beauty around and think about everything. Despite this I can enjoy large cheerful companies: if there are people close to me in spirit, with whom I can feel part of a group or with my partner.

I am a spiritual person. But don't adhere to any particular religion and have little interest in the formal side of any religions, although I have been interested in learning about different points of view in this area. I refuse to serve any god, the only one to whom I am ready to dedicate myself is my future partner, including intimate closeness [only right thing to me that you are a good person rather than dedication or lack of religion; because of my demisexuality and values, I consider it important to devote myself physically to only one partner, so I don’t consider it necessary to have an intimate relationship with a man who will not turn out to be my future husband, I live well without it].

I have a great love for music, but I’m not assigned to any specific structure in it, I rely more on what emotions it evokes in me. I often have more internal thoughts and feelings than can even be expressed in words, and so I am aware of the limiting qualities of any language, which is just another formed boundary in understanding each other.
I'm also interesting to explore myself deeper and how I can interact with others better, my type is INFP if it may says anything to you then welcome to understand about the way how I think.

In the end, all I want is chosen one partner with whom I can reach the end of our journey.

If you read till the end and interested in starting our lifelong journey together, don’t hesitate and write me."
Rauche ich?
Ja Selten Nie
Trinke ich Alkohol?
zu Hause
Kochen / Backen
trifft nicht zu trifft zu
Extraversion / Geselligkeit: Gesamt:
Ich bin eher zurückhaltend und ruhig.
In Gesellschaft bin ich lustig und lache viel.
Ich mag es auf einer Party im Mittelpunkt zu stehen.
Ich bin auch sehr gerne allein.
Emotionale Stabilität / Gelassenheit: Gesamt:
Ich bin sehr sensibel und verletzlich.
Ich bin manchmal launisch.
Meine Freunde sagen, dass ich eine selbstbewusste Frau bin.
Ich bin so schnell durch nichts aus der Fassung zu bringen.
Gewissenhaftigkeit / Selbstkontrolle: Gesamt:
Ich bin ein eher chaotischer Mensch.
Am liebsten lebe ich in den Tag hinein und plane nichts.
Ich bin zielstrebig und gebe nicht so schnell auf, wenn ich mir etwas vorgenommen habe.
Ich bin ein sehr ordentlicher Mensch.
Gutmütigkeit / Verträglichkeit: Gesamt:
Neuen Menschen gegenüber bin ich zunächst misstrauisch.
Ich bin sehr hilfsbereit und sorge mich um andere Menschen.
Mit manchen Menschen komme ich einfach nicht klar.
Ich glaube an das Gute im Menschen.
Offenheit für Erfahrungen: Gesamt:
Ich bin originell und habe oft neue Ideen.
Neuem gegenüber bin ich eher vorsichtig.
Ich interessiere mich sehr für Kunst, Musik und Kultur.
Traditionen und alte Werte sind mir sehr wichtig.
Was macht meinen Traummann aus?
"Intellectually stimulating partner, a person who will be a loyal support and set the direction of our life together. Who, among other things, improves himself, gets to know himself, really lives and does what he wants and not what can be imposed by others, non-smoker (! ), preferably non-drinker too"
Mein Idealmann:
Alter: 28-48 Jahre
Größe: mindestens 175 cm
Eigenschaften: romantisch, finanziell abgesichert, intelligent, zuverlässig, treu, zielstrebig
Darf mein Partner Kinder haben? Nein
Religion meines Partners: egal
Tamara (27) aus Angarsk, Russland - IF-CODE: TKG101    Adresse abrufen Zurück